‘Why Portugal’ will tell you why you should invest in Portugal
Why should you invest in Portugal? 'Why Portugal', a guide organized by the law firm Macedo Vitorino is thinking about foreign investors, and explains why investors should bet on Portugal.
The digital platform Why Portugal, a guide specifically for foreign investors, developed by the Law firm Macedo Vitorino & Associados, was launched this March. António Macedo Vitorino, founding partner of the society, told Advocatus (ECO’s law magazine) how the idea came about for the guide, what was the process behind it and what challenges it has faced.
This guide goes back to 2013: “While all everyone talked about was the crisis, we though it was the right time to look at Portugal the way a potential investor would perceive the country”, the lawyer starts out by stating.
"We created a sort of brand – the Why Portugal – which answers that exact question asked by investors. We started by publishing a report that analysed and updated a set of indicators about the country’s legal and social-economical situation in a given time. After that, we decided to complement that analysis with all the information investors wanted to know.”
“From then on, we created this sort of brand — the Why Portugal — which answers that exact question asked by investors. We started by publishing a report that analysed and updated a set of indicators about the country’s legal and social-economical situation in a given time. After that, we decided to complement that analysis with all the information investors wanted to know”, António Macedo Vitorino, founding partner of Macedo Vitorino e Associados, explained. “We believe that promoting investment should start by explaining in a simple and accessible manner the legal, political, social and economic conditions that investors care about”.

“Through this new platform, we wanted to give investors access to our own tools, such as the contract minutes we, at Macedo Vitorino & Associados, use”, Macedo Vitorino states. The paper report and PDF were first published in 2014; the law firm coordinated the project for the 2017 guide, explaining that it migrated to a digital format.
The guide, which is meant for anyone who wants to establish an activity, hire or live in Portugal, is of free and open access, and it provides political and legal information about the country. For more about the project, click here.