Workers demand investment to decarbonise Galp’s Sines refinery
Petrogal's CCT invites Climáximo to join its claim to ensure the energy transition, jobs, and country's future.
The Central Workers Commission (CCT) of Petrogal on Thursday called for immediate approval of investments to decarbonise Galp’s Sines refinery and invited the Climáximo collective to join this front.
The CCT’s position comes on the same day that a protest is being held at the Sines refinery called by the Climaximo collective from 1.30 p.m. to demand the planned and gradual closure of the unit by 2025.
According to the activist group, this is a non-violent act of civil disobedience and blockade of the refinery.
In a statement sent to Lusa today, Petrogal’s CCT invites Climáximo to join its claim to ensure the energy transition, jobs, and country’s future.
The CCT argued that, in terms of combating climate change, there is an urgent need to separate the tree and the forest and, above all, in the choice of causes beyond the simplistic pamphlet.
In Portugal, what the government says is ‘energy transition’ is a process of accelerated deindustrialisation of the country with no net impact on the overall reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere” and which, at the same time, has “a brutal impact on job destruction”, CCT said.
Climáximo’s protest action today, entitled “Vamos Juntas!” (Let’s go together), is part of the global campaign “Collapse Total”, which aims, during this week, to disrupt Total Energies and leading companies in the production of fossil fuels.
The initiative, which intends to take activists from all over the country to Sines, calls for a fair transition that makes Galp responsible and involves workers and affected communities and a very near future with energy democracy in Sines and the country, according to a statement from the collective sent to Lusa.
During the blockade, the collective will demand the elaboration of a fair transition plan based on a social dialogue that privileges workers and affected communities.
The statement said that the activists also want an immediate guarantee of public employment or retirement without loss of income for all direct or indirect workers of the refinery.