Unemployment stabilises at 6% in August
July's unemployment rate was revised upwards to 6%. It is the fourth consecutive month that this indicator remains at this level.
The unemployment rate stabilised at 6% in August, with July’s figure suffering an upward revision (from 5.9% to 6%), according to data released by Statistics Portugal (INE) on Thursday. It is the fourth consecutive month that this indicator remains at this level.
Compared to the previous year, the unemployment rate was 0.3 percentage points lower than the same month last year. The inactive population reached the previous month the lowest value since February 1998 (2,461.8 thousand people).
“In August 2022, the estimated active population increased from the previous month by 7.0 thousand people (0.1%), and the estimated inactive population decreased by 8.8 thousand (0.4%),” says INE, based on provisional data.
Labour underutilisation also decreased, covering 612.6 thousand people in August, a figure lower than in the previous month (3.9 thousand; 0.6%), than three months earlier (4.5 thousand; 0.7%) and than in the same period of 2021 (31.4 thousand; 4.9%).