Portuguese strongly in favour of public health as priority issue in EU Parliament
The Autumn 2021 "Eurobarometer" survey shows that in Portugal, the number of respondents choosing public health as the top priority reaches 72%, a figure 30 points above the Community average.
Nearly three-quarters of the Portuguese (72%) consider that public health should be the political priority of the European Parliament, this being, prominently, the highest figure among the 27 Member States, reveals a survey published on Tuesday.
The Autumn 2021 “Eurobarometer” survey promoted by the European Parliament halfway through the parliamentary term and still against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, reveals that public health is elected as the subject that European citizens consider should be treated as a priority by the European assembly (42%), followed by the fight against poverty and social exclusion (40%) and the fight against climate change (39%).
In Portugal, however, the percentage of respondents ‘electing’ public health as the top political priority reaches 72%, a figure 30 points above the Community average and which leaves the second and third countries, Cyprus (61%) and Spain (60%), at a considerable distance.
With respondents able to choose up to a maximum of four priorities, the Portuguese come next in fighting poverty and social exclusion (61%) and supporting the economy and job creation (60%), while combating climate change comes fourth (41%).
The European Parliament should give priority to democracy and the rule of law, which was chosen by the average European with 25% of the votes, by only 9% of Portuguese respondents and only in 12th place among the priorities highlighted in Portugal.
This autumn ‘Eurobarometer’ of the European Parliament was conducted between November 1 and December 2 2021 in the 27 EU Member States, with a total of 26,510 interviews conducted and 1,004 people surveyed in Portugal.
The EU results are weighted according to the population size of each country.