Euronext launches a support platform for SMEs in Portugal
The launch of the Elite network "will allow Euronext to create the bridge between public and private financing for Portuguese companies".
Euronext announced Wednesday the launch of the Elite network in Portugal, a platform that supports the financing and growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
“Portuguese private companies will benefit from an international network with a wide range of skills and experience in training and sustainable growth financing with private and public capital,” Euronext says in a statement.
The network partners that will help develop the Elite network in Portugal are AEP-Associação Empresarial de Portugal, Santander, Deloitte, VDA-Vieira de Almeida and World Trade Center Lisboa.
“The international expansion of ELITE to Portugal is a key pillar of Euronext’s strategic plan ‘Growth for Impact 2024’.
This new development will make it possible to extend the current Elite and Euronext networks, and will improve the dynamism of the entire ecosystem,” the Euronext CEO and chairman of the board of directors emphasises, quoted in the same statement. Stéphane Boujnah also adds that the launch of this network “will allow Euronext to create the bridge between the public and private financing for Portuguese companies”. The idea “is to work with a group of SMEs to increase their size, profitability and impact, particularly in terms of employment,” he explained.
Euronext bought Elite as part of the Borsa Italiana Group’s acquisition in 2021 and has been trying to expand the activity of this network in the countries where Euronext is present. Portugal is the first step in this expansion strategy, Euronext explains.
Currently, Elite brings together a community of over 1,300 companies in 23 European countries. Since its launch in 2012, the companies that have integrated this platform have raised over €15 billion through 1,200 operations.