Population in Portugal falls by 2.1% in 10 years
According to INE, this reduction is a reversal in the trend of population growth seen in recent decades and represents the "second fall in population since 1864.
Portugal lost 2.1% of its population between 2011 and 2021, reversing the growth trend recorded in recent decades, according to the definitive results of the 2021 census released on Wednesday.
“At the time of the census, on 19 April 2021, 10,343,066 people (4,920,220 men and 5,422,846 women) lived in Portugal, which represents a decrease of 2.1% compared to 2011,” Statistics Portugal (INE) said.
According to INE, this reduction is a reversal in the trend of population growth seen in recent decades and represents the “second fall in population since 1864, when the 1st General Population Census was carried out.
In terms of census series, Portugal had only registered a reduction in its population in the 1970 census, as a result of the high level of emigration seen in the 60s, the institute pointed out.
Over the last decade, the Algarve (3.6%) and the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon (1.7%) recorded population growth, while in the other regions the population decreased, with the Alentejo (less 7.0%) and the Autonomous Region of Madeira (less 6.4%) seeing the most significant decreases, INE said.