Miguel Pereira Leite replaces Eduardo Catroga on the EDP board
The Portuguese subsidiary of China Three Gorges has chosen lawyer Miguel Pereira Leite to replace former Finance Minister Eduardo Catroga on EDP's General and Supervisory Board.
Miguel Pereira Leite, a lawyer, is the name chosen by China Three Gorges to represent the Portuguese subsidiary of the Chinese conglomerate on the General and Supervisory Board (GSB) of EDP, said the electricity company in a statement sent to the Securities and Exchange Commission (CMVM).
Pereira Leite will replace former finance minister Eduardo Catroga in the position. Catroga announced in February that he would be leaving the GSB, where he had been for 15 years – and, more recently, as representative of CTG, the main shareholder of the electric company.
The remaining four seats that can be occupied by CTG will be filled by the same names: Dingming Zhang (CTG Corporation), Shengliang Wu (CTG International), Ignacio Herrero Ruiz (CTG Europe) and Li Li (CTG Brazil) and Felipe Fernández Fernández (DRAURSA, S.A.).