Public debt falls by 1 billion euros in November

  • ECO News
  • 4 January 2021

Public debt fell to 267 billion euros in November, The Bank of Portugal (BoP) announced this Monday.

Portugal’s public debt, in the Maastricht perspective, fell by 1.068 million euros in November to 267.083 million euros, according to a statement released this Monday by the Bank of Portugal (BoP). Public indebtedness eased for a month after the record reached in October (268,140 million euros).

In October, public debt had risen by 1.1 billion euros to 268.151 billion euros, surpassing the previous record reached in August (267.114 million euros). Despite this decline in November, the trajectory of public debt stock has been on the rise since the pandemic crisis took hold, averting the prospect of declines that budget surpluses had given.

According to the country’s central bank, this decline is explained mainly “by a decrease in debt securities (1.2 billion euros).”

Data from the Bank of Portugal also show that general government deposits fell by 2 billion euros to 22.4 billion euros. As a result, public debt net of deposits increased by 0.9 billion euros compared to the previous month, totalling 244.7 billion euros.