More managers are leaving Isabel dos Santos’ companies in Portugal
After the resignations at EuroBic, Nos and Efacec, there are more managers leaving Isabel dos Santos' companies in Portugal.
Several names connected to Isabel dos Santos have already left positions in companies where the Angolan businesswoman is a shareholder, such as Mário Leite Silva from Nos and Efacec or Jorge Brito Pereira from EuroBic, following the controversy surrounding Luanda Leaks. But there are more managers who have also left other Portuguese companies less known to the daughter of the former President of Angola.
Vasco Pires Rites, one of the names cited in Luanda Leaks and also in Malta Files (another investigation by the international consortium of journalists), presented the manager and administrator resignation in three entities of Isabel dos Santos: Niara Power, YAKO – Food Retail and Creatambitions. Rites handed in its request for resignation from the three companies on January 30th in the commercial register, although it will take effect on December 3rd.
Niara Power is a builder of electric, hydro, thermal and combined cycle power plants, based in the Madeira Free Trade Zone. It is owned by Niara Holding, which controls Efacec indirectly through Winterfell Industries. YAKO – Food Retail is also registered in the Madeira Free Trade Zone. As for Createambitions, it is an import, export and wholesale company.
Besides Vasco Pires Rites, Niara Power has lost another director in the last months: Carlos Alberto de Freitas Teixeira, whose resignation was in the commercial register on February 12th (effective November 8th, 2019).
There is another recent resignation: it was Maria Manuel Sanches Guimarães, who left Supreme Treasure on February 7. The Supreme Treasure is a real estate company that explores museums, monuments, buildings and other historical sites.
ECO contacted Isabel dos Santos through the press office, but did not get a response until the article was published.
According to the research of Luanda Leaks, which was reported by several international newspapers on January 19th (although the first contacts took place in late 2019), Niara Power, YAKO – Food Retail, Creatambitions and Supreme Treasure are part of the universe of 22 companies that Isabel dos Santos owns in Portugal.
After the revelations, Isabel dos Santos announced the sale of several participations in Portuguese companies, such as Efacec and EuroBic.