The Portuguese traveled more, but stayed with family members or acquaintances
In the third quarter of 2017, Portuguese residents traveled more in comparison to the same period of the previous year. Leisure was the primary reason for traveling, as well as free accommodation.
Residents in Portugal traveled more inside the country and also abroad. This Friday’s data, disclosed by INE, show an increase in the number of touristic dislocations made by Portuguese residents between July and September of 2017. The Portuguese traveled mostly for “leisure, recreation or vacation” and chose “free private accommodation”.
According to INE, in the third quarter of last year, the number of touristic trips made by Portuguese citizens increased 1.1% in comparison to the same period of last year, totaling 7.8 million dislocations. Trips abroad registered the largest increase, of around 8.5% in comparison to the homologous period, with a 10.1% weight on the total amount of touristic dislocations registered by INE.
Numbers show that dislocations were made especially due to leisure or vacation, followed by visits to friends or family — two segments that grew in the quarter. In third place comes business or professional trips, whose weight retrieved in terms of the the total amount of trips.
INE concluded that although “paid private accommodation” registered an increased, the main accommodation option chosen by travelers was “free private accommodation”, “aggregating 61.9% of total overnight stays”. Free accommodation used by tourists consists of a second residence or provided by relatives or friends, for free”.
In comparison to the period between July and September, INE concluded the average length of trips registered a “slight decrease” and that there was a “residual increase” in the proportion of tourists in comparison to the resident population. In addition, those who travel are using the internet to book in advance: it was used in 35.1% of trips, “particularly in trips abroad”.