Alexandre Fonseca is replacing Cláudia Goya as CEO of PT
It is now official: Alexandre Fonseca, former CTO, is PT's new CEO. Since Paulo Neves resigned, Cláudia Goya will replace him and become PT/Meo's new chairwoman.

After the news disclosed by ECO that Cláudia Goya was leaving the presidency of PT Portugal — which were denied by an official source from the group, although the company’s official answer did not deny that there would be changes in the company’s leadership in Portugal –, it is finally official that Cláudia Goya is leaving her position. Alexandre Fonseca is now the new CEO of PT/Meo, Paulo Neves terminates his duties in the company and is replaced by Goya, the new chairwoman.
"Alexandre Fonseca is the new CEO of Portugal Telecom and, effective immediately, will become the leader of the Altice’s telecommunications company in Portugal. ”
The information was finally made officially in a press release from the company: “Alexandre Fonseca is the new CEO of Portugal Telecom and, effective immediately, will become the leader of the Altice’s telecommunications company in Portugal”. The press release further added that “Cláudia Goya, who joined the group last Summer and managed the company successfully during the past few months, will become the new chairwoman of PT Portugal. Acknowledged by the group for his performance, Paulo Neves terminates his duties in Altice“. Luís Alveirinho will be the new responsible for the technological office of PT.
Although Altice’s press release denied that Goya is leaving the company, ECO knew, from sources close to the process, that Cláudia Goya had been dismissed from the leadership of PT/Meo and that the shareholders’ decision had been communicated to Goya last Friday, in Paris, during a meeting of CEOs from Altice’s companies.
ECO had also ascertained with sources close to the market that Alexandre Fonseca had been chosen as the company’s new CEO. Until last week, Alexandre Fonseca had been the company’s Chief Technology Officer, responsible for international affairs in Altice Labs, the company’s research and development unit.