Economic perception reaches maximum of 16 years
The perspectives on the unemployment rates, the economic situation of countries and the financial situation of families are positive factors for this maximum.
The opinions the Portuguese have about the economic situation of Portugal have not been as high as in the beginning of the 21st century; only in March of 2000 had the perception on the Portuguese economy been so positive. The value registered in November has happened due to an increase that was “more expressive in the last month”, the Portuguese National Statistical Institute (INE – Statistics Portugal) explains.
There is more confidence, essentially because of the employment evolution in Portugal. That is the conclusion reached from the INE’s survey disclosed this Tuesday: the consumer confidence indicator has increased in November, after having been regressing over the previous months.
The indicator is also at its maximum, but only when compared to October, 2000. The perspectives on the evolution of unemployment, the economic situation of countries and the financial situation of families are the factors that positively contribute to this result.
“The increase of the consumer confidence indicator in November was driven by the positive contribution of the perspectives on unemployment, on the evolution of the country’s economic situation and, less significantly, on the household’s financial situation”, the INE writes in their Business and Consumer Surveys brought forward this Tuesday.
The recovery of the consumer indicator has not been followed by the business owners’ indicator. After a positive evolution witnessed in the last few months, the economic climate indicator decreased in November, mainly due to the constructions and public works sector, but also to commerce and services. By contrast, the economic climate in the manufacturing industry has brightened.
“In Manufacturing Industry, the confidence indicator increased in October and November, after stabilizing in the previous month, led by a positive contribution of all components, namely, production perspectives, opinions on the stocks of finished products’ evolution and opinions on global demand, more intense on the first case”, the INE explains.