Luanda, Lisbon linked by six direct flights a week
Lisbon and Luanda are now linked by six direct flights per week via the flagship airlines, TAP and TAAG.
The Portuguese and Angolan capitals, Lisbon and Luanda, are now linked by six direct flights per week, on the flagship airlines, TAP and TAAG, according to information on the website of the Portuguese Consulate in Luanda.
The Angolan carrier’s flights to Lisbon take place on Tuesdays (13:00), Thursdays (11.55 p.m.) and Saturdays (11.55 p.m.), whilst TAP leaves Luanda for Lisbon on Wednesdays (12.15 a.m.), Fridays (11.20 p.m.) and Saturdays (10.30 p.m.).
Since the beginning of the pandemic, Angola has maintained strong restrictions on people entering its borders, requiring a PCR test within 72 hours of travel, a post-disembarkation test on arrival in Luanda and quarantine for a minimum of seven days.
There are currently nine international airlines operating at Luanda airport: TAP, Angola’s TAAG, Belgium’s Brussels Airlines, France’s Air France, Germany’s Lufthansa, Emirates of the United Arab Emirates, South Africa’s CemAir, Ethiopia’s Ethiopian Airlines and Qatar Airways.
Angola, which has been in a state of public calamity for over a year, has a total of 41,405 positive cases of Covid-19, 5,346 active, 35,082 recovered and 977 deaths.