Speakers you can’t miss on the third day of the Web Summit
Bit by bit, tech is changing the world. And if you do not want to miss out on any of the revolutionary ideas coming up at the Web Summit, then you must keep your eyes wide open.
Feeling a bit lost with so many different stages and speeches? Don’t have time to scan through all these choices? Here are ten speakers you should not miss:
Is the future of search visual?
Who? Ben Silbermann, co-founder, and CEO, Pinterest
When? 10h30, at the centre stage
What and why? After Paddy Cosgrave’s opening remarks, the centre stage will welcome Pinterest’s CEO, to talk about the future of search. Ben Silbermann will explain what he thinks about the use of images on search engines, thoughts we expect will certainly be key to understanding this innovation.
Building a fairer digital economy
Who? Margrethe Vestager, European Commissioner for Competition
When? 11h55, at the centre stage
What and why? This year the European Commission filed a historic fine against Google (€4.34bn), and now Vestager is back to the Web Summit to talk about building a “fairer digital economy”.
How long until robots rule the world?
Who? Sophia the Robot, from Hanson Robotics.
When? 14h00, centre stage
What and why? After having controversially announced that robots would soon replace humans in the job market, the humanoid Sophia is back to the centre stage. This time she will rather focus on how much time humans have left until robots takeover. Remember, Sophia is the world’s very first robot that acquired citizenship (from Saudi Arabia). And Han the robot will join her this year at the Web Summit.
Hacking a smart home
Who? Garry Kasparov, Avast
When? 14h10, Binate.io.
What and why? Known for being the first chess world champion to ever beat a computer, Garry Kasparov is, once again, participating in the Web Summit. This time around, at the Binate.io stage, he will address the vulnerabilities identified in smart house systems.
He will also remember the time he beat IBM’s super computer, linking that experience with the unsuspicious perils of the so-called smart houses.
Portuguese unicorn explains the future of software: How will AI decode software for everyone?
Who? Paulo Rosado, CEO, OutSystems
When? Às 14h05, SaaS Monster stage
What and why? This year Outsystems became the second Portuguese unicorn, and its CEO comes to the Web Summit to discuss how AI will “decode software for everyone”. OutSystems develops solutions that quickly boost the development and maintenance of apps, by any user, being the number one low code platform for delivering mobile apps.
If the end of hand coding is nigh, where does the future lie?
Innovating at speed
Who? Adrian Cockcroft, Vice President, Cloud Architecture Strategy, Amazon Web Services.
When? 15h25, SaaS Monster stage
What and why? This speech will compare Formula 1 performance strategy to the logic behind the mechanisms used in AWS. In September, AWS announced they would open offices in Portugal.
Digital peace in the age of cyber threats
Who? Brad Smith, President, Microsoft Corporation
When? 16h25, Centre Stage
What and why? “The world needs to apply the lessons learned from the conflicts of the 20th century to address cyber attacks we face today”, and Microsoft’s President is ready to explore how its industry partners are teaming up against these growing threats, that target both the tech sector and all citizens of the world.