Rejection of State Budget will jeopardise wage, pension rises, health service, labour law
The non-viability of the Budget compromises an important set of advances, in particular salaries, pensions, SNS and labour legislation," declared the Secretary of State for Parliamentary Affairs.
The Secretary of State for Parliamentary Affairs warned Monday that, if the budget is rejected, a set of measures on issues such as wages, pensions, National Health Service (SNS) and labour legislation will be compromised.
This warning about the consequences of a rejection of the draft State Budget for 2022, in its first reading on Wednesday in parliament, was conveyed by Duarte Cordeiro at a press conference.
“The non-viability of the Budget compromises an important set of advances, in particular salaries, pensions, SNS and labour legislation,” declared the Government member, who also left another message:
“It will be difficult to explain to the Portuguese that all these improvements in their lives are in jeopardy,” he said.