Siza Vieira wants Portugal ‘more competitive in renewable energies’
The Minister assumes that fossil fuels prices "will increase in the coming years" and that in order to overcome the problem, Portugal has to become "more competitive in renewable energies."
Fuel prices do not stop increasing in Portugal and the Minister for the Economy and Digital Transition, Pedro Siza Vieira, admitted this Monday that “as difficult it is, the price of fossil fuels will continue to increase in the next few years”. For the Minister, part of the solution involves “reducing dependence on foreigners” and making the country “more competitive in renewable energies.”
“As much as it is difficult for us, fossil fuels will increase in price over the next few years, which is why the effort we are making is to reduce our dependence on energy from abroad. Every time we buy fossil fuels we are indebting ourselves to the outside. Secondly, to increase and make the costs of renewable energies and hydrogenation more competitive in our energy bill,” he said.
Siza Viera added that even if it was possible to reduce the tax costs on fossil fuels, “we must make no mistake: they will continue to rise in price over the coming years and this will affect the entire world economy”.
“The countries that have been less dependent on fossil fuels and were able to change their energy mix to use more renewables will be better prepared,” concluded the country’s Minister for the Economy.