Collective dismissals reach 2014 peak

  • ECO News
  • 3 November 2020

Collective dismissals have increased significantly due to the pandemic crisis, reaching the highest figure since 2014.

There have already been 5,400 cases of collective dismissals in Portugal this year through September, which represents the worst record since 2014 (6,216), according to Dinheiro Vivo.

Data from the Directorate-General for Labour and Work Relations (DGERT) show that by the end of the third quarter collective dismissals had increased by 50% compared to the entire year of 2019. This period includes the months of banning dismissals on companies that used the simplified lay-off regime.

Also according to DGERT, the companies show more intentions to dismiss, which includes 5,850 workers from January to September. At the peak of the previous crisis, in 2012, for example, these numbers surpassed 10,000 in one year.