Paul de Grauwe and Miguel Saint-Aubyn were chosen for the Public Finance Council
The Government reached a consensus on both economists, ending the dispute for the replacement of two Public Finance Council (CFP) members whose mandates ended in February.

The economists Paul de Grauwe and Miguel Saint-Aubyn will be the new members of the Public Finance Council (CFP). Although their nomination is still not formalized, António Costa’s Government has already validated both new names, after having failed the first proposal from the governor of the Bank of Portugal, who had chosen Teresa Ter-Minassian and Luís Vitório.
The standstill had been going on for months: the non-renewable mandates of the vice-chairman Jürgen von Hagen and the Senior Board executive member Rui Nuno Baleiras ended mid February, but both of them had to remain in office because they were waiting for their replacements who hadn’t yet been nominated. There had been difficulties in choosing the new members, because the Government vetoed Luís Vitório as executive member, although they did not exactly oppose Teresa Ter-Minassian.
Paul de Grawe will then be nominated vice-chairman of CFP. He is a Belgium economist who studied at the London School of Economics. He was a professor in Belgium, and a member of the Belgium Parliament between 1991 and 2003. He is the director of the money, macro and international finance research network of CESifo at the University of Munich. He also does research at the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels and the Centre for Economic Policy Research in London.
Miguel Saint-Aubyn, who was chosen as an executive member of CFP, is a professor at Portuguese University ISEG, he is a macroeconomist and one of the author of the report on the Portuguese debt produced by a work group from the Left Block and the Socialist Party. He has a Doctorate from London Business School and has already published five economics books.