Attorney general opens “preventive” investigation into PM’s family business
Amadeu Guerra explained that three anonymous complaints relating to Luís Montenegro's family business had been received,
The attorney general announced on Wednesday that the Public Prosecutor’s Office has opened a “preventive investigation” into the prime minister Luís Montenegro’s family company, Spinumviva.
As he left the Supreme Court of Justice in Lisbon, where a criminal law colloquium is taking place, Amadeu Guerra explained that three complaints relating to the prime minister’s family business had been received.
“From the details we have collected so far, there are no grounds to open any enquiry”, said the Attorney General, adding that precisely because of the lack of details, it was decided to open a preventive enquiry.
This preventive enquiry aims to assess whether there are details to proceed with the opening of an inquiry and it is being led by the Central Department of Investigation and Criminal Action (DCIAP).
Amadeu Guerra did not set any deadlines and explained that the preventive enquiry will be based on information obtained from open sources and that data will be requested from various entities.
“These are not intrusive means”, he added.
Last week, the Attorney General’s Office announced that it had received an anonymous complaint.
The information comes a day after the government’s fall, following the rejection of the motion of confidence presented by Luís Montenegro’s government.