Portugal has 5th highest consumption of renewable energy in EU

  • ECO News
  • 19 January 2022

With a share of 60.1%, Sweden was the EU Member State that had the highest gross final energy consumption from renewable sources in 2020, followed by Finland (44%) and Latvia (42%).

The share of gross final energy consumption from renewable sources in EU reached 22% in 2020, around two percentage points (p.p.) above the target for that year (20%). According to data published on Wednesday by Eurostat, Portugal was in fifth place among the 27 member states, with a share of 34%.

With a share of 60.1%, Sweden was the EU Member State that had the highest gross final energy consumption from renewable sources in 2020, exceeding its national target by 11 p.p. It was followed by Finland (44%) and Latvia (42%).

Portugal (34%) ranks fifth in the table of Member States with the highest share of gross final energy consumption from renewable sources, having exceeded the national target of 31%.

By contrast, the lowest proportions of renewables were registered in Malta (11%), followed by Luxembourg (12%) and, at last, Belgium (13%).