35% of Portuguese companies use cloud services
Eurostat announced on Thursday that the percentage of Portuguese companies with access to computing resources hosted by third parties on the internet increased from 29% in 2020 to 35% in 2021.
The percentage of Portuguese companies with access to computing resources hosted by third parties on the internet increased from 29% in 2020 to 35% in 2021, according to data released this Thursday by Eurostat.
This indicator also grew for European companies as a whole, rising from 36% in 2020 to 42% in 2021, more than double the figure recorded in 2016 (19%).
“In 2021, 98% of EU enterprises employing 10 persons or more had this access,” Eurostat said in a statement. Cloud computing gives companies access to technological infrastructures hosted by third parties, such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure.
While the number of companies with Internet access is high and balanced across all member states, the use of cloud computing varied significantly, with the highest usage reported in Sweden and Finland (both 75%), and the Netherlands and Denmark (both 65%) in 2021. On the opposite side, cloud computing services were used by fewer than one in five enterprises in Bulgaria (13%) and Romania (14%).
Within the group of companies using cloud computing, 79% opted for a cloud solution to host their e-mail systems, 68% used the cloud for storing files and 61% office software such as word processors and spreadsheets. At last, 59% used the cloud for security software.