EDP launches a 60.5-year hybrid green offering
The company is launching a 60.5-year hybrid green offering and it should pay an interest rate between 1.875% and 2%. Demand already exceeds €3 billion.
EDP is back on the market this Monday. It is launching a 60.5-year hybrid green offering, paying an interest rate between 1.875% and 2%, according to the Bloomberg news agency.
The operation has generated interest from investors, who have already given purchase orders of over €3 billion, according to the website IFR.
The transaction is expected to end today, and the Portuguese company led by Miguel Stilwell de Andrade is expected to disclose the final details of the operation (including the amount of financing) after the stock exchange closes.
With this operation, EDP expects to raise funds to finance or refinance its portfolio of renewable energy projects (wind and solar).
The operation is being advised by banks BBVA, CaixaBI, CA-CIB, HSBC (B&D), ICBCST, ING, IMI, JPM, Mediobanca, Mizuho, MUFG, Santander.