Smart Cities: Lisbon 76th in the ranking
In IMD's ranking of smart cities, the Portuguese capital ranks 76th out of 102 countries.
Lisbon is in the 76th position of the new IMD ranking of Intelligent Cities. The Portuguese capital is well behind large cities, many of them European, as is the case of Amsterdam, Paris or even Madrid, in a ranking of 102 countries that is led by Singapore.
The Smart Cities Index (SCI), which aims to measure how citizens evaluate everyday life in their cities, puts Lisbon behind Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, but manages to stay ahead of Rome, for example.
The Portuguese city is, however, more to the end of a ranking that has Singapore at the top. The island city-state south of Malaysia leads the ICS, followed by Zurich, Oslo, Geneva, Copenhagen, Auckland, Taipei, Helsinki, Bilbao and Düsseldorf.
For this ranking, 15 indicators were evaluated: environment, safety, access to education and health services, mobility and public transport, social interaction and civic participation.