Brits, Germans or French… who visits Portugal the most?
The number of tourists coming to Portugal keeps increasing as Brits are the ones who lead the list of visitors.
The number of tourists coming to Portugal keeps increasing as the British take the lead on being the nationality who visited more the country. They are, then, followed by the Germans and the French. A reciprocal relation, one might say, as topping the Portuguese most visited destinations are France and Germany, despite Spain still being the most visited.
But let us focus on Portugal, first. According to Eurostat, 14% of the tourists visiting Portugal come from the United Kingdom, spending an average of 75 euros per night and staying an average of 9 nights. Following the British, we find Germans taking second place (9.3%). German tourists in Portugal spend an average of 104€ per night and stay an average of 10 night in the country.
The third in the podium are the French (7.2%), staying an average of 9 days and spend an average of 103 euros per night. In a lesser number, the Spanish come also visiting Portugal, despite preferring France and Morroco. 1.5% of the Spaniards chose the neighbouring country as their holiday destination, spending an average of 99 euros per night and staying an average of 5 nights.
And where do the Portuguese prefer spending their holidays?
Topping the preferences of the Portuguese is Spain. Almost 5% of the Portuguese chooses to visit the neighbouring country, spending an average of 69 euros per night and staying an average of 5 nights.
Spain is followed by France, where 3.4% of the Portuguese spend an average of 47€ over an average of 11 nights, and the United Kingdom with 1.7% of the Portuguese tourist spending there 59€ over 7 nights.