Lisbon will have €10, seven-day travel pass in April
The government and the mayors of Lisbon are to sign contracts for a single pass in the whole region, which will cost a maximum of €40. The €10 pass will ensure a smooth transition to a new tariff.
Public transport in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (AML) is to have a €10, seven-day travel pass in April to ensure a smooth change-over to the new metropolitan tariff system.
According to an AML statement, it will “approve the creation, during April and transiently to users with a 30-day card of the same month, of a card equivalent to the subway pass.”
According to the document, the travel pass will be valid for seven days, “to be effective after the expiry date of the 30-day card and to start being sold from 8 April 2019 until the end of that month.”
The government and the mayors of the area on Monday are to sign contracts for a single pass in the 18 municipalities of AML, which is set to cost a maximum of €40.
This single pass will end hundreds of combined cards that currently exist for the use of collective transport and will have two settings: the ‘Navegante Munincipal’ which will cost €30, allowing travel within each municipality, and the ‘Navegante Metropolitano’ which will cost €40, allowing travel throughout the metropolitan area.
The new card, which can be bought from 26 March, will be monthly (valid for one month from the first day).