Portugal has one of the lowest job vacancies rates in the EU
The highest job vacancy rates in the EU were recorded in Czechia, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, whereas the lowest rates were found in Greece, Spain, Bulgaria and Portugal.
The job vacancy rate in the euro area was 2.1% and in the EU28(EU) it stood at 2.2%, in the third quarter of 2018, according to the figures published by the Eurostat this Thursday.
In the EU, the job vacancy rate in industry and construction was 2.1% and 2.5% in services. Between the Member States which for which data is available, the highest rates were observed in Czechia (5.9%), Belgium (3.6%), Germany, the Netherlands and Austria (all 3.0%), whereas the lowest rates were registered in Greece (0.6%), Spain (0.8%), Bulgaria (0.9%) and Portugal (1.0%).
Moreover, the Eurostat reports that the job vacancy rate in the third quarter of 2018 remained stable in Belgium, Ireland, Spain and Italy, and rose in 22 member states when compared to the same quarter of the previous year. It decreased in Estonia and Lithuania, by 0.4 pp and 0.1 pp, respectively.