Portugal is one of four EU countries with fewest Covid-19 deaths per day

  • Lusa
  • 10 January 2022

According to the statistical website Our World in Data, Portugal had a daily average of 1.52 deaths per million inhabitants attributed to Covid-19.

Portugal is one of four countries in the European Union with fewer daily deaths per million inhabitants attributed to Covid-19 in the last week, dropping from sixth to seventh member state with more new daily cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

According to the statistical website Our World in Data, Portugal had a daily average of 1.52 deaths per million inhabitants attributed to Covid-19, the same average as Austria, while Sweden had an average of 0.94 and Ireland 1.15.

On the opposite side, Bulgaria now has the highest average of new deaths per million inhabitants in the last week (10.96), followed by Croatia (9.41), Hungary (8.81) and Poland (8.13).

At the global level, and considering only countries with over one million inhabitants, Trinidad and Tobago is at the top of the list in this indicator, with 15.47 new deaths per day, followed by Bulgaria, Georgia (10.12), Croatia, Hungary and Poland.

The European average of daily deaths attributed to Covid-19 stands at 3.56 (down from 3.81 last Monday), while the world average stands at 0.8.

As for the average number of new daily cases per million inhabitants in the last week, Cyprus is at the top of this indicator, with 5,050 cases, followed by Ireland (4,770), France (3,950), Greece (3,430) and Denmark (3,400). These countries also have the highest daily average of new cases at seven days among nations and territories with over one million inhabitants.

Cyprus is also the EU country with the highest average number of daily tests per thousand inhabitants (126.66), while Portugal is the fifth member state in this indicator, with a daily average of 22.39 tests per thousand inhabitants.

Portugal has an average of 2,390 new daily cases per million inhabitants at seven days, up from 2,030 last week.

In the European Union, this average is now 1,830 new cases per day (up from 1,170 last Monday), while the world average is 307, also up from 184 last week.

In Portugal, since March 2020, 19,113 people have died and 1,639,846 cases of infection have been counted, according to the latest update from the Directorate-General of Health.