Unemployment rate hasn’t decreased in three months: it’s at 10.9% since July
Overall, in Portugal, there were 558 thousand unemployed in September, according to the Portuguese National Statistical Institute (INE). In October, the unemployment rate should’ve decreased to 10.8%.
The Portuguese National Statistical Institute (INE) has revised slightly upwards the September unemployment rate. The definitive unemployment rate estimate for September 2016 is now 10.9%, a 0.1 percentage point increase when compared to the first estimate. This means the unemployment rate remains unchanged for three consecutive months: 10.9% since July.
Even so, the number of unemployed people keeps shrinking: in July, there were 559.2 thousand unemployed citizens, and that number has decreased to 558.2 thousand in September.
In INE’s October calculations, even though they are a provisional estimate, the unemployment rate decreased to 10.8%, a value that compares to the 12.4% unemployment registered in October 2015. In that month, the number of unemployed people will be 553.7 thousand.
The unemployment rate should remain unchanged in October, at 58.6%, the same rate that has been registered since July. However, the overall amount of employed people has been slightly decreasing. “The September 2016 definitive employed population estimate was 4,567.9 thousand people, down 0.1% from the previous month’s level”, corresponding to 5.1 thousand fewer people, the INE declares.