EDP Renováveis to build solar farm near Peniche
It is estimated that the solar plant can operate for 30 years, during which it will avoid the emission of 295,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
EDP Renováveis plans to build a solar farm in Cesaredas, in the municipality of Peniche, and the project is in public consultation until the 20th at the Portuguese Environment Agency.
According to the non-technical study of the project, available on the online public consultation platform Participa (https://participa.pt/pt/consulta/central-solar-fotovoltaica-de-cesaredas), at stake is the construction of about 30,000 photovoltaic modules, with a power of 17.9 megawatts (MW).
The plant will be built next to the current Serra d’el Rei wind farm to benefit from existing infrastructures, namely the connection line to the national grid.
EDP Renováveis intends to “make a hybridisation with the already existing electricity generating centre (Serra D’el Rei Wind Farm) and inherently produce electricity from a renewable, non-polluting source – solar energy, contributing to the Portuguese targets for energy production from renewable sources, as set out in the National Energy Strategy”, the document said.
It is estimated that the solar plant can operate for 30 years, during which it will avoid the emission of 295,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Studies point to a production of 25,598 MW per year. The construction phase will take 11 months and involve 70 workers.
According to the study, the negative impacts of the project are “not significant” and can be minimised by adopting adequate measures.