There are now 263 foreign companies benefiting from the ‘Portugal 2020’ programme
Companies with foreign capital account for 13.49% of community funds' investment. At issue are 411 projects carried out by 263 companies.
Six out of ten is the ratio of foreign companies receiving investment in Portugal, financed by European funds — which means that out of the ten biggest investments made with the support of strutural funds, only four are Portuguese.
From all projects financed by the Incentive Systems, there are 263 foreign companies benefiting from European funds in Portugal. Even so, Portuguese companies surpass this amount — 5,716 — which places the ratio at 1 out of 21, according with the data sent to ECO by the Companies Operational Programme. These funds are granted not only by that programme, called Compete, but also from all Regional Operational Programmes.
As for investment, foreign companies are responsible for 13.49% of the investment made in Portugal with the support of Brussels, which means that Portuguese companies have invested 5.39 billion euros, while foreign companies have invested 841.22 million.
263 foreign companies are responsible for 13% of investment
Concerning incentives, from the overall amount of 2.94 billion euros already approved, 11.8% were given to foreign companies (according to OECD’s classification, which states that foreign investment is the investment made by companies which have 10% or more foreign capital).
Even so, it is possible to conclude that Portuguese projects receive larger incentives: the 411 projects promoted by companies with foreign capital were co-financed in 41%, while the 8,875 Portuguese projects were co-financed in 48%.
Top 10 companies’ investment mainly foreign
Large multinationals know how to take advantage of the ‘Portugal 2020’ funds: Embraer, Continental, Eurocast, Faurécia, Amy’s Kitchen and Sakthi Portugal are the foreign companies which take over the Top 10 larger investments made through European funds.